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Announcing Android add-ons for Docs and Sheets

We know many of you consider your mobile device as your primary tool to consume business information, but what if you could use it to get more work done, from anywhere?

We’re excited to introduce Android add-ons for Docs and Sheets, a new way for you to do just that—whether it’s readying a contract you have for e-signature from your phone, or pulling in CRM data on your tablet for some quick analysis while waiting for your morning coffee, Android add-ons can help you accomplish more.

Get more done with your favorite third-party apps, no matter where you are

We’ve worked with eight integration partners who have created seamless integrations for Docs and Sheets. Here’s a preview of just a few of them:

  • DocuSign - Trigger or complete a signing process from Docs or Sheets, and save the executed document to Drive. Read more here.

DocuSign lets you easily create signature envelopes right from Google Docs

  • ProsperWorks - Import your CRM data to create and update advanced dashboards, reports and graphs on Sheets, right from your device. Read more here.

  • AppSheet - Create powerful mobile apps directly from your data in Sheets instantly — no coding required. Read more here.

  • Scanbot - Scan your business documents using built-in OCR, and insert their contents into Docs as editable text. Read more here.

You can find these add-ons and many more, including PandaDoc, ZohoCRM, Teacher Aide, EasyBib and Classroom in our Google Play collection as well as directly from the add-on menus in Docs or Sheets.

Try them out today, and see how much more you can do.

Calling all developers: try our developer preview today!

As you can see from above, Android add-ons offer a great opportunity to build
innovative integrations and reach Docs and Sheets users around the world.
They’re basically Android apps that connect with href="">Google Apps Script projects
on the server-side, allowing them to access and manipulate data from Google Docs
or Sheets using standard Apps Script techniques. Check out href="">our
documentation which includes href="">UI
guidelines as well as href="">sample
code to get you started. We’ve also made it easy for you to publish your
apps with the Apps Script editor.

Android add-ons are available today as a developer preview. We look forward to
seeing what you build!

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