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Introducing the Android Basics Nanodegree

Posted by Shanea King-Roberson, Lead Program Manager Twitter: @shaneakr Instagram: @theshanea

Do you have an idea for an app but you don’t know where to start? There are over
1 billion Android devices worldwide, providing a way for you to deliver your
ideas to the right people at the right time. Google, in partnership with
Udacity, is making Android development accessible and understandable to
everyone, so that regardless of your background, you can learn to build apps
that improve the lives of people around you.

Enroll in the new Android Basics
. This series of courses and services teaches you how to build
simple Android apps--even if you have little or no programming experience. Take
a look at some of the apps built by our students:

The app "ROP Tutorial" built by student Arpy Vanyan raises awareness of a
potentially blinding eye disorder called Retinopathy of Prematurity that can
affect newborn babies.

And user Charles Tommo created an app called “Dr Malaria” that teaches people
ways to prevent malaria.

With courses designed by Google, you can
learn skills that are applicable to building apps that solve real world
problems. You can learn at your own pace to use href="">Android Studio
(Google’s official tool for Android app development) to design app user
interfaces and implement user interactions using the Java programming language.

The courses walk you through
step-by-step on how to build an order form for a coffee shop, an app to track
pets in a shelter, an app that teaches vocabulary words from the Native American
Miwok tribe, and an app on recent earthquakes in the world. At the end of the
course, you will have an entire portfolio of apps to share with your friends and

Upon completing the Android Basics Nanodegree, you also have the opportunity to
continue your learning with the Career-track Android Nanodegree (for
intermediate developers). The first 50 participants to finish the Android Basics
Nanodegree have a chance to win a scholarship for the Career-track Android
Nanodegree. Please visit href="">
for additional details and eligibility requirements. You now have a complete
learning path to help you become a technology entrepreneur or most importantly,
build very cool Android apps, for yourself, your communities, and even the

All of the individual courses that make
up this Nanodegree are available online for no charge at href=""> In addition, Udacity
provides paid services, including access to coaches, guidance on your project,
help staying on track, career counseling, and a certificate upon completion for
a fee.

You will be exposed to introductory computer science concepts in the Java
programming language, as you learn the following skills.

  • Build app user interfaces
  • Implement user interactions
  • Store information in a database
  • Pull data from the internet into your app
  • Identify and fix unexpected behavior in the app
  • Localize your app to support other languages

To enroll in the Android Basics Nanodegree program, href="">click here.

See you in class!

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